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Home: Welcome

Our Mission

Where Children Move Mountains

At Sapphire Early Learning Center, we believe in the value and uniqueness of each child we serve. Our childcare experience is designed to promote each child’s own individual social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development.

We strive to bridge gaps and move mountains.

- Encouraging and supporting developmentally appropriate learning

- Building a foundation where children become life-long learners

- Empowering families through education and opportunities

What Is Sapphire Early Learning Center?

We are a licensed nonprofit Early Learning Education Center located in Stevensville Montana and serving the greater Bitterroot Valley. We are committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment for every child. We ensure that each child feels valued, supported, and safe in our care while creating an atmosphere that promotes growth, learning, and positive social interactions.​



Come have fun with us!

We have openings in our infant, part time and full-time toddler classes, preschool and afterschool programs!

Starting pre-enrollment for our summer program!

Call today to schedule a tour (406) 625-2660
We are open at 7:30 am through 5:30 pm Monday through Friday

Contact Us


Please fill out the information below to start the process.

We'll be in touch with you to review your resume and schedule an interview.

216 College St Stevenville, MT 59870

(406) 625-2660

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To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: How to File a Complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form.

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